Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Snow Day Off!!

not sure what kind of birds they are.  they seem to like the safeflower seeds.  mr. & mrs. cardinal continue to eat here at my bird feeder.  i wonder how well they all get along.  might have to buy a bird book or maybe borrow my grandmother's.  indiana and western nc are home to many of the same species, i've been told.

they are just so cute!

so all county employees had a two hour delay.  around 9:30am i brushed the snow off the Cougar and attempted to drive to work.  she couldn't make it up the first hill.  it was too slick.  so i drove the 100ft backwards back to my driveway and called the dental center.  cindy said only one of my patients was willing to drive in to make it.  so i stayed home.  

Kitty-Gato was puzzled.  "why is she here on a wednesday at 10 oclock?"  we were buddies today.  i painted.  she napped.  the usual buddy activities.  

Winter Wonderland Walk

went for a walk around 4:oopm down my road.  and took some pics...


this is the painting i just started.  it's based on a photo i have of me and a friend leaning against a wall at a party.  it was taken while i was in college, and its silly, yet speaks to the disconnection between people (that's as art school explanation as it gets).

i left it a little frustrated today.  i have some issues with the colors and shading.  i need to work back into it with fresh eyes.  i will paint and paint until i am happy with it.  no due date for this art project and i am the only one that has to like it.  that feels good. 

Time will Tell.

I can't help but hope.