Saturday, May 29, 2010

Rafting with the Roomie 5/28/10

Mark & I on the French Broad River. Somewhere between Marshall & Hot Springs.

Those crafts are called Ducks, for the inexperienced kayaker. I'm thinking about taking lessons and doing this some more. Might be a little too dangerous for me, though.

My New Digs

Check out the loft above my bed. And the tin panel vaulted ceiling.
View from my desk. Gorgeous.
Kitchen, to the left is the living room. I took this standing in my bedroom doorway.
5 other homes are on Country Cove Ln off Walnut Creek. Just a 5 minute drive from downtown Marshall and my job.

More waterfall pics i took last weekend...

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Ate dinner with Olivia tonight...

Bill is her dad.

...all caught up.

WNC Waterfalls in Pisgah National Forest

It was a beautiful day for a hike.

Relay for Life

Mars Hill College hosted it.
Relay for Life is a fundraiser for the American Cancer Society. The Health Department asked if I'd make a display about oral cancer. I love when I get to make and do at work!

Sunset from Flint Hill Road & Move to Country Cove Lane

My new roommate, Mark.
My room is a new addition. Thats my bike.
That's my new house. Lots of green around.
I'll miss this view from my front porch. Bye, bye Alexander!
I moved the weekend of May 15th. I'm now living in a friend's home and paying half the rent as I was. It's farther out in the country and closer to work and friends.

I helped plant some perdies in downtown Marshall in March

Hinman March 2010, Atlanta

Yeah there was a bar at the dental conference. Yeah dentists are perverts too. Thank you Madison County for paying for my continuing education. It was two days and 4 classes. My first night I ate at a greasy spoon that had karaoke. So I sang 'Honky Cat' and 'Seven Spanish Angels'. I paid $8 for a shot of tequila to give me a little courage. $8! Second day I toured the aquarium- big disappointment. And right before I left I saw Body Worlds and Dialogue in the Dark.

I painted something for the Bathroom

and me talkin on the phone.

I finally Finished that Painting...

...and hung it up above my couch in the living room. It looks much better in person.

My 32nd Birthday

We played telephone pictionary- always a good time. At the same time we played musical hats. I baked a chocolate cake with too much vanilla butter cream icing. Delicious.

The Winter Fuckin Storm

I cleared 18 inches of snow off my car. Our power was out for 4 days. Un fucking believable. It was very beautiful and very uncomfortable. Over the entire winter we got a ton of snow. It felt like a real winter. I loved it. So many of my patients complained but I loved it. I missed many hours of work. I like being snowed in...when there is electricity and heat in my apartment.

Bri and I spent Christmas in IN

Christmas with the little guys was frightening- a big whirlwind of wrapping paper and unbridled greed. We drove up just after the big winter storm that hit my area- see following pictures. Good family time. As usual we played uecher and got rowdy with mom and dad. Beer and popcorn and buttermilk cookies and movies on demand.....and snow!