So I showed up like this to Stella's parents house.

Stella was already half way made up. A bunch of her family & friends were sitting zombie idle, transforming into, waiting to be, or making zombies out of the others. She, her dad & some friends are big airbrush artists. And very talented. They seemed to love this.

Eddie & his wife, Stella's friends

the armamentarium

Stella's dad painting brains

Stella adding the veins

Zombies like cheetos. My back story- I'm a housewife that was attacked while cleaning the toilet.

After we made ourselves up we headed downtown to the 16th street mall, 10 or so blocks of zombie mayhem. They tried to break a world record, don't know if it happened, but I did register online and walked under the zombie arch to be officially counted.

my favorite picture- zombie Harry Potter checkin out tranny zombie

That was fun and surprisingly very photogenic.