*I did not take this picture.
We watched one sled dog race end and one begin earlier that morning. We learned many of the dogs are mutts. A popular pairing is husky with pointer.

*Again, I did not take this picture. Don't know who did. Also, it was not taken in Leadville.
Workin on a graphic design project. Graphic design- my latest venture. There's a surprising amount of ole' fashion illustration to it.
Pulled over and took this off 285 on the way back from Buena Vista a couple weeks ago.
My friend Olivia left her home in western NC about a year ago to pick blue berries in Maine, drive through Elkhart, IN (my home town, thank you very much) to get to Minneapolis, attend a wedding in Idaho, weed clip in CA, deliver her sister's baby near Sedona, AZ, back to CA, up to OR to have an unexpected love affair, down to CA again.... a train brought her to Denver in 30 hours late last week. She stayed til this morning. We did some Denver stuff...
Took her to Red Rocks Sunday...

"You hungry, Liv? Two words- Casa Bonita."
That's a waterfall in the restaurant and a diver climbing to dive again. A ~20ft Waterfall in a Mexican Restaurant! Spectacular!
At first we were in awe. But then, after they fed us junkier than average imitation Mexican food and assaulted us with the worst cowboy dinner theatre since watching the kid in boots next to you vomit his previous meal, we wanted out in a big way.