Sunday, October 28, 2012

Tooth Zombie & South Dakota

 My office asked all staff to paint (not carve, because we don't want our dental office to smell like rotting pumpkins) a pumpkin for Halloween.  I chose a watermelon because I like the green background.

 Check out the mummy and cupcake pumpkins to my left :)  Adorable.  Good work everybody.


very soft clay, volcano ash & various sediment


big horn sheep

We saw a porcupine too, but it disappeared too quickly. 


cool old apartment building

Count Money :)

Downtown Deadwood Ladies of the Night

Bald Eagle!

wild turkeys

When a bicyclist is hit by a car and killed in Denver an independent bike club sets a white bike at that spot for awhile.  It's great SD posts these signs for a memorial & reminder to be safe.  

This mtn goat lives at Rushmore.

Mmmm, good trip.  Badlands, Deadwood & Mt Rushmore are a wonderful 2 day road trip.