Friday, May 16, 2014

Chalk Mask Night

 First step of creating this interactive piece was to sculpt the masks out of water based clay.  These masks are from my imagination, meant to look like no one in particular. 

Two masks with mouths open, faces turned towards each other, appear to be having a conversation.

Surprise, Surprise- I'm good at sculpting teeth. 

 After the masks were fired I painted them with chalk board paint. 

 I mounted them on the board with custom pegs and Liquid Nails. 

 I hung it on the wall with screws , then mounted the chalk board facade- similar to hanging a wall lamp. 

 Added the frame. 

 Love the look of it after the first drawing was erased.

 Cristine, my studio neighbor was the first to play.

Then Lamecia, another studio neighbor. 

 Their collaboration.

 These teens took over. 

 They were the only ones to erase the previous drawing and make it their own. 

 Teen Toon

 Strangers drawing next to each other :)

 Ry recorded a bit.

 I took a picture every time it was altered. 

This is how the night ended.