Monday, September 1, 2014

Return to Roanoke, IN: Summer '14

 I moved back to Indiana the last week of June.  Me, my cats, & my stuff are here in Roanoke at my parents home, just southwest of Fort Wayne.  A few things that have improved my quality of life here on "the prairie":  family, great sleep, quiet, no traffic, deciduous trees, kayaking, grass, stars, crickets, spider webs, lightning bugs, working in public health, etc.

This has been a Good summer to be in Indiana.  In the morning on days off I open the front door to take in the air & light on the porch, and then leave it open for the kitties to lay in the sunshine. 

 Mama after we planted 6 mums

I do miss the sunshine on the Front Range, but I am loving the 360 views of the sky over these plains.  Sometimes the clouds are a very animated backdrop to the day. 

I have kayaked more this summer than ever.  Through I met up with IYAK a couple of times- here just outside of Kokomo on Wildcat Creek.  My favorite place so far is Chain-O-Lakes in Albion, IN.  I also very much enjoyed a little SUP out to Lake Michigan in Holland, MI.

 My nephews, Hayden & Trenton, shared a birthday party in July.  Ma & I brought Great-Grandma Randol :)

 I spent a majority of the summer unemployed so I cooked, using our garden veggies often, and baked a little.  This was an apricot & raspberry pie- better than it's watery mixed berry pie forerunner.  I have yet to fail at making a flakey crust.  Why do people say it's hard to make a pie crust?


 Dad & Trenton

 Nate is coaching Trenton & Brayla's soccer team that plays at 10a on Saturday.  Mom, Dad, & I drive up to watch & cheer.

These little players are so adorable.  All the spectators are smiling at any given look at the families on the sidelines.  That's Trenton & Brayla, from farthest left.

 The organization is confusing- all the teams are called The Sharks...  ???  ... yet universally encouraging when you cheer "Go Sharks!" genius.

 Nate gives gentle direction & yells the positive.  He's a good coach.

 Trenton's attention is on the ball. 

'Sunderfest' was this weekend.  Like the last fourteen Labor Day weekends, it was a good time on Mom's family's farm, where she and her five brothers grew up in Huntington, IN.

 Great-Grandma Randol lives on the farm.  

Aunt Julie & Uncle Dan (Mom's only older brother) from Marshall, MI, Grandma, Brayla, Aunt Sue (the Caribbean Trekker), and Nate under the big old elm in the east yard.

 pregnant cousin Miranda (who cuts my hair) & Mom

 Trenton & Teddy (Grandma's beloved lap dog)

 cousins & their spouses and a few aunts and uncles

 Uncle Chris wins for Best Tan

 cousin Cory & the big red barn that makes for a great wedding reception venue

 so many cousins

 Mom made this great banner and asked everyone to trace their hand on it.  Brilliant!

A few of us camped on the farm, and the next morning a few returned for breakfast and continuation of ATV & dirt bike riding, Euchre, horse shoes, gun shooting, lounging in criminally comfortable lawn chairs, etc.

 Marissa (cousin's wife who is into photography)

 Uncle Aaron made breakfast over the fire with a little help cutting the potatoes & onions from the rest.

Ami (cousin's son) & I talked a little about a yellow tomato he found in the yard, and then he held my hand while we watched the fire for a bit.  Love it.  

Great Breakfast