Thursday, November 19, 2009

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Morning Walk

Flint Hill Rd.


Neighbor's lone pig

Snelson Rd.

This stray little guy followed me half way through my walk.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Today: Senior Health Fair

Me & Christy represented the Madison County Dental Center. We didn't see much traffic, talked to about 30 seniors. And others at their booths. I took a bone density, driving, and Alzheimers test and past all by far. Good news, huh? I made the board behind me. Most fun I've had at this job.
Christy answering some questions,

.....texting during the down time.

These three are local folk singers. Don't know if they're sisters. But they were fun to listen to. The folk music sounded a lot like blue grass.

Beautiful Drive to Macon Co. for a Meeting

Beautiful Day drivin in Cindy's silver mustang yesterday. Cindy, the office manager, and I had to attend a meeting given by an attorney about reducing our risk of being sued for malpractice. It took place in Macon County, three counties over. It was 3 hours long, but not as boring as I imagined. This was the first time we had to take a day trip for a meeting.

We stopped at the City Restaurant in Franklin for lunch. There were twice as many old men sitting at the counter when we arrived.

I ate a tuna melt with chips and french fries. Cindy had a cheese burger.

Love this place.

Aug 22nd. Cousin Kristy's Wedding in MI

Kristy & Johnny
We Clarks
Me & Hayden goofin around
Me & Kristy

Painting Progress July 18th

May 26th. Me before work in the morning.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Really May 23rd

i played hostess to me mama, papa & brian memorial day weekend.  

mama.  she always does my dishes at least once.  

bri bri likes bananas.
we took em to dupont state forest to see waterfalls.

i like feeding my guests well.

what a couple a cards.  i love you, mom & dad.


so this is progress as of May 2nd.  yeah, i know her left eye is fucked up.  don't worry, i fixed it...that pic to come.....

i know a lot of time has past since my last update.  don't give up checking up on me.  i know it's been ladies beltane night for a little too long.  if it makes you feel any better i don't have much to share from my summer so far in pictures.  i mean i haven't taken many compared to all the stuff i've done.  but here it goes...i will catch up a bit right now.....

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Ladies Beltane Night

Kate, Tasha and I ate dinner at Bacchus Bistro before ladies night at Taylor's cabin.  

Taylor made a fire for us.
We had a great time talking, singing, and drinking.  We made up a song about Marshall to the tune of Row Row Row your boat.

Kate is snuggled up with Stella, Tasha's new dog.  

Tasha is lighting her cigarette. 

Dupont State Park

A couple weekends ago the weather was perfect for some outdoor adventure.  So Bri and I headed south to Dupont State Park.  We found directions to 3 waterfalls within a mile of each other from, absolutely fantastic website for waterfall hunting.  They were about an hour and a half drive from Alexander and a mile trek from where we parked the car.  
Here Bri is standing infront of Triple Falls.  It was a steep hike but very worth it.

This is the middle waterfall of Triple Falls.  Bri makes me nervous with his daring gotta-get- closer spirit.

So cool.  At each tier of Triple Falls there were hug flat rocks that you could lay on.  I laid right next to the water which was very rapid and powerful and scary or exciting.  

This is High Falls, my favorite of the falls.  The other falls were short and not as impressive, Hooker Falls.  High Falls had an area where you could slide with the waterfall on the rock into the base.  Bri and I did that once, the water was really cold.  Standing close to the most powerful section was exhilarating.  Thats what Bri is doing in this pic. 

Aaahhhh....good day for the out of doors. 

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Yesterday I Took a Drive... the Blue Ridge Parkway.  
I stopped at Graveyard Fields to check out the waterfall.  You can see it from the Parkway, so it's not a far hike at all.  It was a partly sunny day and lots of people were there walkin round.  3 waterfalls can be seen here, but I just checked out the one closest to my car.  

At this elevation there aren't many deciduous trees with buds or leaves at this time of year.  The trees that I did find were creepy looking, like crooked fingers.  You can kinda see what I mean in this photo. 

The falls are about 60 feet tall and the base is deep.  Teens splashed around doing dives, cannon balls, and other creative jumps.  It was fun to watch, but I was nervous for them.  The under currents at the base of waterfalls can be strong enough to suck you in and not let go.  Didn't seem to be a problem here.  Families hiked together- babies strapped to moms and dads, preteens with back packs and lots of couples with dogs.  It was good to see people out and about.  I was trying to take a photo of this water bug, also took a cool pic of my reflection.