Sunday, April 19, 2009

Yesterday I Took a Drive... the Blue Ridge Parkway.  
I stopped at Graveyard Fields to check out the waterfall.  You can see it from the Parkway, so it's not a far hike at all.  It was a partly sunny day and lots of people were there walkin round.  3 waterfalls can be seen here, but I just checked out the one closest to my car.  

At this elevation there aren't many deciduous trees with buds or leaves at this time of year.  The trees that I did find were creepy looking, like crooked fingers.  You can kinda see what I mean in this photo. 

The falls are about 60 feet tall and the base is deep.  Teens splashed around doing dives, cannon balls, and other creative jumps.  It was fun to watch, but I was nervous for them.  The under currents at the base of waterfalls can be strong enough to suck you in and not let go.  Didn't seem to be a problem here.  Families hiked together- babies strapped to moms and dads, preteens with back packs and lots of couples with dogs.  It was good to see people out and about.  I was trying to take a photo of this water bug, also took a cool pic of my reflection.