Sunday, January 25, 2009

My Weekend

He came back.  And his girlfriend has been here, too.  She is a little more skittish and too quick for the camera.

I did get new glasses.  Yes, they are a bit Harry Potter.

I started a new painting.  Mixing up the palette takes takes some time, so that's all I did today.  Progress pics to follow...

Saturday, January 24, 2009


My little kitty face.  Oh sucha baby. Oh I know Face.  Oh sucha baby face. Love the little baby.  You love me.  And I love you.  Little baby.  Little Kitty-Gato.  Oh yes.  Oh I know little face.  Little fuzzy girl.  Big little fuzzy Girl.  So round.  So Fuzzy.  My baby.  Oh baby don't like that.  Put me down she says.  OK.  There you go.  Poopy Kitty.  Meow Meow Face.  Such a meow meow face.  Little meow meow.  Little sweet baby.  Oh yes we love to rub faces.  I know.  I yeah.  Don't Bite.  Don't bite little face.  Oh yes so fuzzy face.  Ough.  No Bites!  Yes I love you, go away.  Meow meow kitty.  

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Dinner last night.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Happy Inauguration Day!

All county departments are on a two hour delay.  So I'm chillin on my couch listening to NPR and watching's coverage of Obama's Inauguration.  

I am so proud of America.  So many are.  Today is the celebration of that pride.  I feel apart of it, even though I'm here in western NC instead of beating the cold and crowds of the Mall this morning.  Thanks!

I am so jealous of those I know who are there right now: Shanna Scott, Jacob and Donnell Oakley, and I'm sure there are others that are there without my knowing.  I bet you all are having a great time!

On another note, earlier this morning this cardinal was eating at the bird feeder I made and set just outside my kitchen window on the stoop rail.  I made the walls thick so larger birds, like cardinals and blue jays, can be comfortable on the perch.  This is the first cardinal I've seen at my feeder.  Cool.

Adorable!  Thanks for dining with us this morning come again soon!

Monday, January 19, 2009

MLK Snow

It's been snowing all day!

I love it.  

I've been jealous of all you guys in Indiana.  Now I have my own snow. There's talk of a work delay tomorrow- Hooray!  

I stayed in while it snowed.  My local NPR station ran an MLK Day special, so I listened to that while I worked on my project and poked around the internet.  

p.s.  The Coug got a new water pump today.  She's recovering like they expect her to, just a little sore and tired.  Thanks Ben for the rides from and to the mechanic's!


I am making a 3-D figurine of this print that I made about 3 years ago.

This is what I did today- the base, leg and hip armature and some girth. That's oil based clay.  I use it because it doesn't dry out.  

Ultimately, I think I'll cast it in hard plastic then paint it.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Into the Dental Center

The first person the patients meet is Cindy, the office manager.

Say "Hello", Cindy.  She was a dental assistant for years & years before this and has metal rods in her neck to prove it.   Her husband is the head football coach at Madison High School.  

This is My Operatory, the room where I spend Mon.-Thurs., 8a-5:30p, and most Fridays, 8a-12p.

Nice and New:  digital x-rays and patient files on the computer.  Sweet.

This is a beautiful sight at the end of the work day. 

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Thanks for the Christmas Cards!

This is my mailbox.  It kept all your thoughtful Christmas Cards nice and dry before I retrieved them. 

Thank You for thinking of me.  I loved getting every one of them.

Two Classics.

Yep, the ole Coug is still going strong.  She looks good for 20, huh?  

I walk for exercise.

My neighborhood is this mix of rural pastures and small new subdivisions.  It's like the beginning of suburban sprawl.  

The mountains are in the background in all directions.  Beautiful.  They change throughout the day.  In the mornings they're covered with clouds.  At sunset they are half maroon, half shadow.  And blue in between. 

So, I took a few pics during one of my walks.  Yes, I do a bit of speed walking and feel dorky doing it.  But it gets my heart rate up without hurting my knees.

If it's too cold to go for a walk I turn on some hip hop and do jumping jacks and dance in the living room in the morning before work.  I don't drink caffeine.  

Anyway, this is my neighborhood in January...

Thursday, January 1, 2009

p.s.  Happy New Year Everybody!!!
I sleep here now.  

Alexander, North Carolina. 
I used to sleep in a house apartment in downtown Greensboro with my manfriend/loverboy.  That was about 4 months ago.

Now Kitty-Gato and I sleep, eat, clean, relax, create, etc., in this, the west half of the duplex. 

It's comfortable.  I have a crafting room, big kitchen, brand new toilet, my choice of wall color, and no one lives on the other side.  

It's rural & peaceful.  At night during the fall I would lay over the trunk of the Cougar with my head propped up on the cloth top and gaze at the Milky Way & all the other stars.  Beautiful.