Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Happy Inauguration Day!

All county departments are on a two hour delay.  So I'm chillin on my couch listening to NPR and watching CNN.com's coverage of Obama's Inauguration.  

I am so proud of America.  So many are.  Today is the celebration of that pride.  I feel apart of it, even though I'm here in western NC instead of beating the cold and crowds of the Mall this morning.  Thanks CNN.com/live!

I am so jealous of those I know who are there right now: Shanna Scott, Jacob and Donnell Oakley, and I'm sure there are others that are there without my knowing.  I bet you all are having a great time!

On another note, earlier this morning this cardinal was eating at the bird feeder I made and set just outside my kitchen window on the stoop rail.  I made the walls thick so larger birds, like cardinals and blue jays, can be comfortable on the perch.  This is the first cardinal I've seen at my feeder.  Cool.

Adorable!  Thanks for dining with us this morning come again soon!