On the flight to Indy I finished one mask to give to one of the grandmas. Pretty pleased with it. Ma & Pa drove 2+ hours from Roanoke to pick me up and take me back 2+ hours to the prairie. What great parents!!! With the money I saved flying to Indy rather than closer I bought a stereo :)

I wrapped it carefully & with much love.

The night before Nate & fam arrived Ma made sure enough food was prepared. She even made two chip dips. Yum!!

We chopped the tree down the day before we had Christmas on the 10th from a guy who may or may not have been cooking meth when we arrived.

Trenton is 3. His new thing is to pretend to sleep where he stands.

Brayla is so calm & observant. She's waiting for Nate to put the Spongebob toothpaste on the toothbrush.

I get a thumbs up from Hayden. I should, it's my job.

Trenton pretending to sleep.

Grandma Randol & Grandma Clark. I love these ladies.

Hayden likes to play Hunter. That's his gun and kill.

Mmmm, smells like Christmas...

...but lets get to the important stuff. It wasn't all about the presents with these kids. It was all about the NEXT present. Two words- shameless consumerism.

I was amazed to see kids are still interested in wood blocks (courtesy of a local toy maker). Good Find Poppy!!

Cool, I think they liked the masks.


Nate's dressing Brayla in the shirt & cardigan I bought her at American Apparel. 9 out of 10 of my gifts were American Made. I was going for 100%, but there is next year...

Silly, adorable, favorite 5 year old nephew.

Trenton is not pretending to sleep. So cute. They're using Old Maid to play Memory. Good thinkin G-ma! One minute, quiet game with G-ma....

...and the next, a collision between Trenton's face & Hayden's head during ping-pong (it's a contact sport when you're 3 & 5). Totally unfair- poor T got the worst of it. It didn't hurt Hayden's head at all.
On the way to the airport, we stopped at 3 Sisters in Broadripple. We are big fans of Triple D, so made it a point to eat at a restaurant in Indy thats been featured on the show. It was not disappointing to say the least- Highly Recommend It Indy People!! The decor could use some work.