One thing... I'd like to live a little farther away from the month 't month crackhead holding tank half way dorm. I don't know if these people are truly crackheads, thats the rumor in my building, and I don't know a crack head personally. But from what I've observed and heard, they have difficulty walking down steps (up doesn't seem to be a problem) and have lost or are losing most of their hearing.
This is my building. Cute, huh? I'm on the ivy side, nice and shaded. It covers 2 of my three windows. Nothin but parallel parking. Still haven't remastered it yet. This week was street sweeping week, and I dodged a $50 ticket. Thank you very much considerate sidewalk stranger for the reminder.
It's in the basement of a building on Santa Fe St, in the Santa Fe Art District of Denver, just ~1.2 miles west of my apartment. Way Cool. I am spending more time driving around gathering supplies than creating & building, but better now than in the icy winter, when I will spend way more time here.
Cristine is my studio neighbor. She's a hard worker. She rents 2 spaces and is always there when I show up. I'm renting kiln space from her, along with learning the whole ceramics firing process. Good Stuff.