Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Some Pics, Summer '12

 Fuckin around with long exposures at dusk.

 Mama Pigeon hatched 2 and raised 0.  The little family was adorable until the babies starved to death and fell off the edge after the nest blew away.  Poor little guys.  

 Ma and Pa came out for a week.  We lounged in Cheesman Park, caught a Rockies game, went to the Emily Harris, Arlo Guthrie and Steve Martin concert at Red Rocks, ate at Snooze twice, toured the Nature & Science Museum, and brunched with Ryan at Lindsay's place.  I aced that parental visit.

 I was born in Ft Collins because they moved out here immediately after getting hitched so Dad could attend grad school at Colorado State.  His concentration was communications/speech and this is the building he spent the most time in teaching and studying.

 We revisited our old haunts.  This is the hospital where I was born.  I asked them to reenact the labor.  Just until we reached the inside of the doors.

 The first apartment we lived in.

 Last time I was here I was not even a year.  

 We stopped by to see a friend from college.  Josh attempted to teach me graphic design, but I wouldn't have it.

 Ry & I camping, hiking with friends, and burning mail near Aspen.