Sunday, April 19, 2009

Yesterday I Took a Drive... the Blue Ridge Parkway.  
I stopped at Graveyard Fields to check out the waterfall.  You can see it from the Parkway, so it's not a far hike at all.  It was a partly sunny day and lots of people were there walkin round.  3 waterfalls can be seen here, but I just checked out the one closest to my car.  

At this elevation there aren't many deciduous trees with buds or leaves at this time of year.  The trees that I did find were creepy looking, like crooked fingers.  You can kinda see what I mean in this photo. 

The falls are about 60 feet tall and the base is deep.  Teens splashed around doing dives, cannon balls, and other creative jumps.  It was fun to watch, but I was nervous for them.  The under currents at the base of waterfalls can be strong enough to suck you in and not let go.  Didn't seem to be a problem here.  Families hiked together- babies strapped to moms and dads, preteens with back packs and lots of couples with dogs.  It was good to see people out and about.  I was trying to take a photo of this water bug, also took a cool pic of my reflection.  

Weekend with Bri Bri

Bri came down Saturday, March 28, and stayed till Monday afternoon.  It was a cold, windy, rainy weekend.  But we made the best of it.  

Sunday we took a drive through Pisgah National Forest looking for Max Patch, a clear summit where you can see views 360 degrees around you, but decided to eat our lunch-meant-for-picnic in the car, stop looking and head back before the dirt road turned to mud.  On our way back we stopped at the Hot Springs Spa to take an hour soak in the natural hot springs hot tub near the creek.  Delicious!  
When we returned to Alexander we made a home-made pizza with pepperoni, pineapple, and jalapeno.  Double Delicious!  

Hinman '09

My co-worker, Cindy, and I took off on Wednesday, March 18th, afternoon to Atlanta for the national dental conference they call the Hinman.  We took turns driving the county SUV (along US 40, then 219 to 95 to 85, I think) and listened to Huey Lewis and the News, John Cougar and George Strait, in that order.  It was was a beautiful day and surprisingly not uncomfortable riding together.  

After we checked into the hotel we hit the nearest mexican restaurant.  I had two bean tacos and a peach margarita and Cindy had a cheese quesadilla and Long Island ice tea.  Delicious! 
No the county did not pay for the drinks!  We walked directly back to the hotel after dinner, in spite of our desire to cut loose as unknowns.  We went to bed at ~9:30p.
And the next day we threw ourselves into 3 hour lectures, everything dental.
Thousands of people attended.  300+ people attended each lecture I did.  I like the lecture and learn scene.  After 3 hours my ass was begging me to do something else.  But hey, learned some new stuff, refreshed old knowledge and saw Atlanta for the first time.  Cool.

Hinman '09

The Hinman took place at the Georgia World Congress Center, first picture, across from CNN head quarters. 

On Thursday night my cousin, Wendy Shae, picked me up and took us to the Varsity, a historical greasy drive-in in downtown Atlanta.  We found a big colorful group of crotch rocket riders in the parking lot.  The hot dog with cheese mustard and ketchup was delicious, complete with home-made fries and ice cream.  We took home paper hats.  The last time we saw each other was at least 7 years ago.  We giggled a lot and set straight the details of our lives that get passed through relatives.

Cindy and I were happy to be done with our last 3 hour lecture riding back to the hotel on the shuttle bus.   Bye Bye, Hotlanta!

Spring is Here!!! Photos from March 17

Yes, Spring is Here in Alexander.  Hooray!  
Welcome warm, birds, bloom, green, insects, wind, showers, walks around the hood, etc. 
(a week or so later it snowed for two days)

First Hike of the Year

On Friday, March 6, I took a hike on a trail just west of Weaverville, NC.  The trail is called Rattlesnake Trail, I think, and the trail head is on the way to the Blue Ridge Parkway off of Ox Creek Rd which is off of Reems Creek Rd which is off of Main St in Weaverville.  

It was a beautiful day, first day of the year you could be outside without a coat or jacket.  Snow covered the ground in spots, as you can see.  It felt so good to be outside.  

Rattlesnake will take you to the AT, Appalachian Trail, if you keep on it for 10+ miles.  I hiked a mile in and a mile back.  I passed 5 people, 4 dogs, and the stone foundation of an inn that housed travels many years ago.  The views were unblocked by tree leaves and no clouds in the sky.  It was a beautiful little hike.