Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Real Time

I interrupt this nostalgia for Summer 2010 to bring you Aun Clark in Real Time...turmoil. By the way, lets hear it for 'Real Time with Bill Mahr'. Love It.

OK, so I had two interviews today that didn't go so hot. The first one was cut not-short-enough when I found out the office is looking for a full time hygienist. I'm looking for part-time. See, it says so right here at the top of my resume underneath my address, next to OBJECTIVE:. But not a complete waste, because it was after all good practice. I will only get better at describing everything it took to clean the Appalachia off of mountain teeth.

The last time I looked for a job I was hired by the second office that interviewed me, the Appalachia office. I guarantee that will not be the case this time. My second interview today will probably be just as fruitless as the first, yet still good practice (my father's condolences ringing in my ears). The worst possible thing to be told while you are being stupefied and shaken by your nervous during a job interview is that their ideal hygienist is laid back and relaxing. So I tried to appear laid back and my circuits over loaded. Or, I don't know, it coulda been my mascara irritating my eyes. Anyhow, I twitched and then I gave up. I could think of only two lame questions when the dentist asked me if I had any questions for her. "Do you use lasers?" Ok, I'm being hard on myself, that's a relevant question. And I really was curious. It felt like an out of body experience, like being on stage. Very uncomfortable. But who knows, maybe I looked like Princess Diana in their eyes.

Anyway, I came home tonight, ate steak & veggie soup, then bought the cutest 'Thank You' cards at Kmart. I will send one tomorrow.

Two more interviews tomorrow...wish me luck.