I drove north 2 hours to Cheyenne, WY, that Friday to check out the Frontier Days. Thirty-three years ago my parents went, thats how I heard about it. 7 days of rodeo? real cowboys kinda? I gotta see this! Best in the country, the announcer said. Twenty bucks a ticket best I guess. This smiley guy in the glasses sold me a corn dog and gave me one for free, after I dropped the first one trying to take a picture of the Coffee Wagon. After that I found my seat for the rodeo. I forgot my zoom lense so the pictures of men chipping away their vertebrae on the backs of bulls & broncos are useless (see below). But it was a hoot to watch- very suspenseful, big injuries could happen like that.
Sure enough a small bronco hurt his back leg. Suck. It changed everything. I left and walked around the fair part of it. Campers brought their best memorabilia, antiques were sold at very high prices, the Boot Barn sold T-shirts with rhinestones, and Native Americans sold jewelry in the "Indian Village" complete with teepees. Not after too long I got bored and starting taking pictures of women in skirts & boots for Ryan. He loved the slide show.